Vision and Values
As my business model has evolved into a part-time online ministry, a clear vision and cherished set of values has emerged. Since you’re following me, it’s only fair you know what my ministry is all about. I’m bold enough to claim the promises of God and set my sights on making a significant contribution to the world. We all have a ripple impact and I want mine to be as positive as possible. The workplace is my mission field and for the first time in my life, I don’t just feel appointed, I feel anointed for this honored task.
My vision is nothing less than:
- Saving lives
- Restoring health
- Healing marriages
- Preventing child and animal abuse
- Bringing people back to God
- Freeing people from the oppression of bad workplaces
- Helping people break strongholds and bondages in their life
- Equipping people to fulfill their purpose, find inner peace, and become an asset to their families and communities
My values are:
- Relentless passion to connect people with a positive message
- Providing meaningful opportunities for engagement
- Unwavering respect
- Impeccable integrity
- Spirit-led decision making
- First-class leadership
- Unceasing maturity
- Deep love of people and compassion for their individual stories
- Multi-dimensional health and wholeness
- Being an awesome steward of the trust people place in me
- Giving back to the community
I think we’re off to a great start!