Yearly Archives: 2017

Awesome Leaders: Excellence, Strategy, Consequences

Welcome back!

So far we’ve been talking about getting our own selves in order so that we don’t do damage to others and we give ourselves the best possible chances of success. We are arriving at the heart of this teaching series. Here’s the deal. Even if you’re a marvelously functional and mature adult, who does a remarkable job for your organization and is an upstanding member of your community, but you do not know how to properly take care of your team, you’ll create an epic failure for yourself. You’ll impose completely unnecessary hardship on every person under your command. So how do we get leadership right? By becoming awesome! Not by loafing our way through an endless series of handsome paychecks, or settling for mediocrity, or giving the status quo a place to flourish. We become awesome by being far above average impact players, a new generation of leadership who jabs a stick in the spokes of the out-of-control-bike of toxic workplaces and throws them over the handlebars to enact change. If you didn’t get into leadership with a clear intention to transform lives, organizations, and bottom line results, and you have no desire in your heart to achieve those outcomes now, then please do us all a favor and resign your post. There are too many ill-equipped people with characters that are completely unworthy of leadership seriously holding their organizations back from soaring success because they are in the way.

Specifically, becoming awesome means three things: interpersonal excellence, strategically developing others, and the art of consequences. Strap it up, and let’s get going!

Until next time, I’m praying that those of you who are hungry to be your best will have fun growing every day, and those of you stinking up leadership chairs will somehow find your way into an entirely different line of work!

By |2017-08-01T07:25:31-05:00August 20th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: Excellence, Strategy, Consequences

Awesome Leaders: Your Misdeeds Are Not As Hidden As You Think

Welcome back!

We’ve been talking about the perils of mistreating a team. Today we’re going to continue that conversation. When you mistreat people, it mangles your reputation. Detailed information about your misbehavior spreads far and wide. Losing your reputation will limit your future opportunities. Your current reality will erode out from under you like quicksand. People will stop trying to work with you. You’ll also miss out on important information and then situations you would have had an early warning about will erupt in your face. People will smile and nod but then quietly seek ways to correct whatever problem you are causing or allowing (or both). You will give people a common enemy to coalesce around. Productivity will shift from the mission of the organization to the goal of bringing you to justice. You can only mess with people for so long before they give up on you and fight back. Mess with the wrong person, who is braver than you, healthier than you, has more stamina than you, or especially if they are a person of faith under the protection of God, and you’ll find yourself in a world of hurt in a hurry. Worse yet, do something that hurts or threatens their family’s well-being, and you’ll have a street fight on your hands. Do the right thing and treat people well. Don’t make anyone succeed in spite of you. Gift them with succeeding because of you.

A special note for leaders who have surrounded themselves with people who are as dysfunctional, corrupt, or mean-spirited as they are in an attempt to build a human shield to hide behind. You may be wallowing in denial and seeking allies wherever and however you can find them, but the fact is, even that self-serving maneuver is readily transparent. Even people who are attached to you because of whatever illicit means you hooked them in with, will have no problem joining up with your adversaries if you treat them badly enough. Relationships based on using each other never last. Eventually, everyone will join forces on a quest to put a stop to the hurt you are causing. When that happens, you’ll find yourself on the outside looking in. Even if you survive the controversy, your power will forever be diminished and you will never be fully trusted again. In a classic case of reaping what you chose to sow, the damage you caused other people will finally be visited upon your own doorstep. When the suffering quite rightly switches from the team to you, misery becomes your new normal while everyone else will be celebrating your fall. Your team is talking about your nonsense in their living rooms, around the Thanksgiving table, in church, while playing sports, and everywhere else they go. You can’t stop it. All you can do is change it by doing right by people, and giving them reasons to speak well of you. That’s your social reality as a leader. Either people are singing your praises and raising your social capital, or you are handing them the ammunition that will eventually bring your reign of tyranny to a screeching halt.

Until next time, think about this question and be brutally honest in your answer to yourself: what is it like for each member of your team to work for you? Not just what you want to believe because it’s what your buddies tell you to stroke your ego, but what it’s like for every single person to be under your command.

I’m praying for your wisdom and positive action!

By |2017-07-25T07:22:10-05:00August 13th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: Your Misdeeds Are Not As Hidden As You Think

Awesome Leaders: Proper Care & Feeding of a Team

Welcome back!

After getting yourself squared away, the next item on the agenda is to learn how to properly treat a team. If you’re still nursing a “me first” mentality, think of it like this: your life is much easier, more pleasant, and your outcomes far better when you treat people right. Here is the utterly sobering power of leadership: you literally hold your team’s well-being and their quality of life in their hands. Take a moment to let that sink in. You have a massive ripple impact on their family and every community of which they are a part. Your reputation accompanies them everywhere they go. They can and do talk about you. Whether what they have to say is positive or negative is entirely within your control. If you’re a jerk, that gets reported far and wide. If families incur medical bills because you’re such a nasty boss that people get sick from the stress, your name appears in medical records as the cause. If marriages are being damaged, kids are being abused, or the family dog is getting kicked because you have driven someone beyond their breaking point, it will be all over social media. If you’re unstable, or a drunk, or corrupt, or a thousand other variations of dysfunctional, that’s getting shared like wildfire. Would you be proud to have your mother or your pastor read the reports on how you’re conducting yourself at work?

Bad leaders made the mistake of not looking beyond the narrow boundaries of their own manipulations. They think they are in control because they are not yet fully facing the consequences of their actions. Consequences are cumulative. Those who don’t make course corrections are not savvy or humble enough to realize that the entire time they are behaving with impunity, there is a large and growing groundswell of disapproval and opposition that will one day knock them off their self-appointed pedestal and out of power. Resistance does not have to be visible to be effective. Some of the most trajectory-altering battles take place behind the scenes with the quiet resolve of those committed to a healthier path. The clock of accountability is ticking whether you deny it’s existence or not.

Until next time, take a serious look at how you’re treating the people under your command and ask yourself this question: will I be happy to harvest the spiritual consequences of how I am taking care of my people?

I’m praying for your wisdom, action, and growth!

By |2017-07-22T10:26:21-05:00August 6th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: Proper Care & Feeding of a Team

Awesome Leaders: Leadership of the Team

Welcome back! For the next few weeks we’ll shift our focus from leadership of the self, to leadership of the team. Teams are awesome! One of life’s greatest experiences is working synergistically with a group of people towards a common goal for the greater good. Exponential results become not just possible, but probable when everyone is driven by the same vision. Taking a quantum leap forward together is an amazing experience. If you have never known the sheer joy of leading a team to victory you are missing out.

Teams can bring about the very best in a person, inspiring them to dig deeper within themselves to succeed than they ever would have had the strength to achieve on their own. As a leader, you bear a sacred responsibility and privilege to get your part of the equation right. You owe the team your very best. As we learned previously, having your own self in order is the bedrock upon which your leadership will be built. If you’re dysfunctional yourself, you will never see the dysfunction of other people or situations in the work environment, and you will be an unmitigated disaster. There is no such thing as neutral leadership. You are either good enough, or you are having an adverse impact. The perils of abdicating responsibility are almost as bad as the perils of mistreating the team. If you are parked on your hiney refusing to listen to issues, make decisions, or be proactive in creating a great environment for your team, you will quickly earn people’s contempt. One of the most ridiculous phrases a leader can ever utter is “if you don’t do anything about it, the problem will take care of itself.” No! The problem most assuredly will not take care of itself! In fact it will get worse. Much worse, until one day it blows up in your face. In the meantime, people will accurately see you as weak, spineless, and a whole lot of other adjectives that aren’t fit for print. Resentment towards you will grow until you are viewed with total scorn. You’ll also be taken advantage of by those under your command who will sniff out and exploit your weakness every chance they get. Toxic workplaces are allowed to gain traction every time a leader fails to lead.

Until next time, do right by your team and know that I’ll be praying for you!

By |2017-07-12T07:21:02-05:00July 30th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: Leadership of the Team

Awesome Leaders: Sustainable Pace for the Team

Welcome back!

A sustainable pace is as important for your team as it is for you. Your team is made up of real people, with real lives, and all the joys and challenges that are part of the human experience. Never forget that. People’s lives today can be highly stressful. You not only want to ease that stress because it’s the humane thing to do, you also want to protect everyone involved by not pushing people to their breaking point. We all have one. Your job is to monitor your people’s stress level and help them keep it in check. Don’t push people so hard that their health, emotional equilibrium, or family life breaks down. Some days, someone showing up and doing their basic job may max out what they’re capable of. Other days – lots of other days – they’ll be solid performers and sometimes superstars. You have to give them the breathing room to have fluctuations in their performance. They are only human.

Spend time getting to know your people well enough to know when they are off kilter. Talk with them and encourage them. Offer them information on community resources if they are struggling with issues outside of work. Some people face personal situations so daunting that they need a little extra help to get through it. It’s your job as a leader to balance accountability with compassion, and care about people on a human level. Helping them find outside assistance can resolve any workplace issues that might have cropped up, especially if you suspect that one of the major issues we discussed before might be impacting their performance.

Your people deserve you at your best, and a work environment that allows them to be at their best as well. Setting a sustainable pace is the secret ingredient to maximizing performance over the long haul.

Until next time, enjoy this week with your team and know that I’ll be praying for you!

By |2017-07-04T10:15:42-05:00July 23rd, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: Sustainable Pace for the Team

Awesome Leaders: Sustainable Pace for You

Welcome back!

There is one last critical element of setting a sustainable pace for yourself that we need to consider. Setting reasonable expectations for ourselves regarding how quickly we’ll achieve our goals can prevent a lot of unnecessary mental strain. We need to take the long range view and focus on steady forward progress rather than overnight success. We can do everything else totally right, but if we mess up in the area of setting expectations, we’ll end up demoralizing ourselves. We can have the best attitude, support, and plan, but if we crush ourselves under the relentless pressure to succeed immediately, we’ll end up quitting. If we quit, we guarantee our failure. Don’t stress yourself out unnecessarily. You’ll perform at your best when you take the excessive pressure off. The only truly sustainable pace is measured and relaxed. So if you are methodically putting in your best good faith effort, that is in fact enough. 🙂

Next week we will turn our attention to setting a sustainable pace for your team.

Until then, don’t overdo it, and know that I am praying for your success and wisdom!

By |2017-06-24T13:30:53-05:00July 16th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: Sustainable Pace for You
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