
About Deb Holland

I am passionate about leveraging strategic teaching tools to help people build lives of joy and victory!

Awesome Leaders: The Organization

Welcome back!

In addition to leading yourself and your team, you are also responsible for leading the organization. You’ve been entrusted with serious responsibilities to help shepherd the group as a whole. You are one of a cadre of managers that should all be working towards the common good of the people, the mission, and the bottom line. It really doesn’t matter if the bottom line is about profits, championships, or being a wise steward of taxpayer dollars. What matters is that you are part of a larger team of leaders working together to achieve those objectives. You don’t operate in a vacuum, and what you do or don’t do impacts the organization as a whole. One corrupt leader can corrode the functioning of an entire organization. It is imperative that you work in concert with your fellow leaders to do the right thing, at all times. Not when it’s convenient, or easy, or politically expedient, but every single time. Whatever you do, don’t reduce yourself to a stereotype and be part of a good old boys or girls club. Rise above that high school level social system and be a leader among leaders. Just like you owe your team your best, you owe your organization your best as well. You were hired and are being paid to achieve goals. Earn your paycheck. Carry out the responsibilities you are tasked with, whether they are operational or supervisory. Your job is to get the best results possible, which includes the process, the product, and the people. You need to be actively engaged in all three areas on a daily basis. This isn’t about you. This is about the organization as a whole.

Until next time, I’ll be praying for you to gain a higher level perspective on the organization and your role within it.

Respectfully and with a heart full of compassion for the tough job that leadership is,


By |2017-12-26T07:39:26-06:00December 26th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Awesome Leaders: The Organization
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