
Categories of Troubled Co-Workers / Leaders: #2 Mental Health Challenges

Mental health challenges can be organic or emotional in nature. Severity can range from an acute reaction to life stress to full-blown episodes of illness. Signs can include erratic behavior, unpredictable moods – in technical terms, this is called being an emotional vampire, high levels of conflict with other people, or a loose grip on reality. It is important to distinguish between situational stress that exists due to an external challenge in only one environment, versus problematic behavior that is generated by the individual and is pervasive across environments. We discussed what that looks like last week.

We all face situational stress. Health problems, family issues, money troubles, or other types of difficulties can throw anyone temporarily off their game. It’s possible to have more than one life problem at once and be in a highly stressed state, but again it’s temporary. The trouble is coming from the stressors overwhelming the coping skills or other resources the person has to resolve them. When coping with stress, many people will crumble. However, those who understand their stressors can prepare themselves. When dealing with stressors, some people know their coping method, this can prevent the stress from getting to them. There are multiple ways to deal with stress. One of the most popular methods is to use smoking accessories to consume marijuana. It’s believed that marijuana can reduce stress, allowing people to face these issues and not experience any stress.

Mental health issues are internal. The pressure comes from inside the person and it shows up in how they deal with just about everything and everyone. They tend to experience the same kinds of problems in all their environments, including work, family, and personal life. This is not to say they are bad people. It is important only in terms of trying to figure out how to deal with the impact on the work environment. If you are dealing with someone with a true mental illness, Get Rid of Skin Tags Home Remedies – Safely Skin Tags Removing Guides. it may be that they aren’t able to respond well to attempts to work towards more acceptable behavior. People under situational stress who are advised about the impact of their behavior/attitude on the team will generally pause and realize the problems are bleeding over into work. They will at least make a good faith effort to get themselves back on track well enough to function in the work environment. They are capable of seeing their behavior accurately, understanding its impact, and then making positive changes. People will true mental illness however, may lack the capacity for that kind of insight, empathy, and behavioral adjustment. These people typically want to do a good job, but have organic issues that make it really tough for them.

There is a lot of good information online about how specific disorders affect people if you are interested in learning more about signs and symptoms. Sites such as Monte Nido raise awareness and obtain help for people suffering from things like anxiety disorders and eating disorders, and there are many other sites that help with other issues. It is important not to try to armchair diagnose someone, but rather to learn to recognise what issues might be present so you can help them have a more successful experience at work. It might also be worth speaking to a company who offer mental health treatment in houston or somewhere local to you to help you with your road to recovery.

Next week we’ll talk about the third category: criminal activity. Until then, be safe and stay strong!

By |2017-05-24T04:30:14-05:00May 23rd, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Categories of Troubled Co-Workers / Leaders: #2 Mental Health Challenges

Maturity Matters

Maturity does two things for you. It provides you with opportunities you otherwise wouldn’t have. Perhaps most importantly, it makes your experience of life a much better one.


Genuinely mature people realize there are powers in the universe much greater than they are. They don’t try to play God, or make themselves a false idol in anyone else’s life. They also realize there is a big world out there, filled with people who think differently than cialisforsalecanada.com they do. They make room for other people and stay humble. They realize it isn’t all about them.


Mature people are easy to spot. They are the ones who are not manipulating, not bullying, and not trying to engineer situations for their own personal gain. They aren’t running around creating chaos and confusion in their endless quest to grab all they can for themselves without giving back. They are stable. They own who they are. They care for others. They honor their roles in life. They have their priorities straight. They make thoughtful decisions that take others into consideration. People are attracted to that sort of calm, mindful living. If you had an opportunity you were looking to share with someone, who would you pick? The person who is running around pleasing themselves, often at the expense of others? Or the person who is clearly making a conscious choice to be a force for good in the world? Immature people never realize how much they missed out on because their presentation of themselves to the world was so poor.


Mature people are also a lot happier. They don’t have less problems in life, they just choose to handle them in the most productive way possible. They live from a values based system that makes their decisions much easier for them. If something is in alignment with their philosophy and goals, they do it. If it’s not, they don’t. They experience less conflict with others because they have made a conscious decision to treat other people well. They avoid drama. They aren’t trying to cover their insecurities or deal with their problems by putting others in a one down position. They tend to be beacons of light. Quality people are attracted to that. Shady people who like to operate in dark corners hate the light and avoid it whenever possible. Eliminating them from your life automatically eliminates a ton of stress.


All of these things provide the mature person with one invaluable treasure: inner peace. When you have that, you have everything.

By |2017-05-07T15:51:26-05:00May 20th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Maturity Matters

America Strong

Tomorrow is the 15 year anniversary of 9/11. I remember the stunned horror of that day like it was yesterday. I’m sure we all do. We remember where we were, who we were with, and what we thought and felt at the time. It was a day that deeply scarred our nation.


But it didn’t crush us. We rose from the ashes to rebuild, reconnect, and recommit to the American way of life that we love. We managed to move on. Every day that we get out of bed and pursue the dreams that our forefathers gave us the opportunity to achieve, is another day that the terrorists didn’t win.


As 15 years have passed, there are some special groups of people who need to be thanked.


For those who lost their lives on 9/11, we still remember. We always will.


For the families of those who lost their lives on 9/11, we still hold you in our hearts. We always will.


For the first responders, the police, the firefighters, the paramedics, the clergy, the disaster relief workers, THANK YOU. You’ve handled emergencies large and small since that fateful day, and we still salute you. We always will.


For families of all those first responders, THANK YOU TOO. We know you live with the daily uncertainty about whether or not your loved one will return to you. We appreciate the sacrifice you make too. We always will.


For our military, Army, Navy, Air Force, at that site Marines, Coast Guard, and all the students at our military academies, THANK YOU. You step into the breach so we don’t have to. You voluntarily and honorably take up the fight so the rest of us can go about our day and sleep well at night knowing you’re watching over us. You willingly go over there so we can stay right here. You give up so much. It is impossible to describe in words how much this means to our country, to our communities, to me. I stand in awe of you. We support you. We always will.


For our military families, THANK YOU TOO. You tend to home and hearth while your loved one is far from home. You watch every newscast with a measure of apprehension and the dread of a late night knock at the door. The rest of us would crumble under the stress you push through every day. We support you too. We always will.


America has gone through a lot these last 15 years. Economic downturns, strife at home, violence in our streets, and a hundred other forms of turmoil. Yet one thread remains. No matter what happens, individually and collectively, we get up the next day and take a step forward. No matter how painful, no matter how confusing, no matter how uncertain, we take that next step. Then another. And another. Until one day we look up and realize, we’ve made some real progress here. We’ve overcome, transformed bad things into something productive, come together in ways we hadn’t before. The United States isn’t just a place. It’s us. We are America. We are strong. We arise. We always will.

By |2017-05-07T15:51:48-05:00May 10th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on America Strong

Leaders Pass Your Spiritual Tests

Leadership is a spiritual responsibility. It is a leader’s sacred duty to watch over those under their command. Leaders will be held accountable for how those serving under them fared. Too many leaders conduct themselves in defiance of that fact. They exploit their position for their own personal gain. They steal from their stakeholders. They conceal the truth. They abuse their people. They create toxic workplaces as malignant as an aggressive metastatic cancer.


Our workforce is suffering under Cialis 80 mg dosage and other easy methods to sexually arouse a man. these bloated ticks masquerading as leaders. They use all of the resources at their disposal in their never ending quest to gorge their own bellies. They are parasites who cause disease in their host employees and organizations. These kinds of leaders appoint themselves as God over their people and they act accordingly. Big mistake.


How do leaders go so far astray? Denial and dysfunction. Or in more clinical terms, maladaptive patterns of believing and behaving. Typically, these leaders display an incredible level of arrogance and ignorance. They believe that they have attained an exalted status. They believe the team is there to serve them. They believe the organization is their own personal treasury of resources. They think that because they haven’t been caught they never will be caught. They think that if they surround themselves with those who fear them, owe them, or are as dysfunctional as they are, they insulate themselves from accountability. Their mindset is so wrong it warps their behavior.


Compounding that is another classic mistake bad leaders make: not doing their own work. I’m not talking about the required tasks of their particular job. I’m talking about the work it takes to mature and evolve as a person. To grow beyond previous boundaries. To become a healthier version of themselves. Bad leaders scoff and laugh at such a notion. They stand on their grandiose delusion that the world is the way they want it to be because they say so. What they don’t realize is that what they are standing on is a thin, transparent piece of glass the rest of us can see right through. Inevitably, the weight of the leader’s transgressions will shatter that glass and they will plummet down.


Bad leaders behaving badly takes an enormous toll on their employee’s lives. Rather than being protected by the ones in charge of watching out for them, far too many employees suffer as a direct result of the leader’s behavior. They battle problems with their health, family, and finances. Their view of themselves and the world around them grows dim. Their inner light begins to flicker and in some cases, goes out. What a massive loss of human potential. What a legacy of hardship for families to bear. What a grave spiritual consequence for any leader to bear.


Leaders, how do you pass your spiritual tests? How do you honor the position of tremendous responsibility that you have been graced with? First, you submit to God’s authority. If you can’t, why should your people submit to you? Second, you do your own work. Just like no one can do your sit-ups for you, no one except for you can untangle the Gordian’s knot of your emotional baggage. We all have it. Stop pretending you don’t and set about the work of dealing with it. Root out and heal the dysfunction. If you grew up in an alcoholic or addicted family, that affected you. Same thing for abusive or neglectful families. Same thing for families with a parent who had a mental illness. Or a parent who was absent. Or a hundred other ways that a rough beginning presents itself. Unless you have dealt with whatever dysfunction existed in your early life, those issues are still impacting you. In the worst cases, they’re haunting you by driving behavior that were you fully aware of it, you most certainly would not choose.


Surrounding yourself with people as dysfunctional as you isn’t going to cut it. All that does is create a shared illusion of invincibility that will inevitably crash itself headlong into the rocks of reality. The system you work in is just one system. Even if your whole enterprise shares the illusion, there is still an outside world that doesn’t. Man’s laws and God’s laws still apply. The day of accountability will arrive. Bad leaders will have to take responsibility for not only their poor choices, but for the damage those decisions caused their people.


Finally, after leaders have submitted to God as their proper authority and have done their own work to mature, they pass their spiritual tests by creating a culture of vitality. It’s the only truly sustainable culture for any organization. The workplace environment must be physically and emotionally safe. No abuse or exploitation of any kind. It must also be run in a healthy way, not like an addicted or abusive family. The worst leaders replicate the dynamics that existed in their childhood living room. They either are or act like the addict, coalescing everyone around them to protect them from the consequences of their choices. Anyone who plays their prescribed role gets favored. Anyone who calls out the craziness for what it is gets shunned or abused. The entire system is built around concealing the activities of the addict and creating a false image the rest of the world buys in to. When a workplace environment is based on a sick family system, that becomes its sole focus and eventually it implodes. Only a healthy culture can survive, thrive, and allow each of its individual members to flourish. Only healthy cultures realize the full potential of the mission that they are tasked with accomplishing. Only healthy leaders can create healthy workplaces. Leaders, pass your tests!

By |2017-05-07T15:51:38-05:00May 4th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Leaders Pass Your Spiritual Tests

The #1 Question to Answer When You Are Faced With a Bad Work Situation

One of the most critical questions you can ask about your workplace gets right to the heart of the matter. Is the problem individual a person of essentially good character who occasionally makes mistakes? Or are they an essentially flawed character who only occasionally manages not to mess things up? The answer to that question dictates your strategy.


If the issues are with someone who is essentially of good character, then there is a lot of hope for a complete resolution. Using your best interpersonal skills will go a long way towards resolving the issues. But if the person is of poor character, especially if they have a malicious intent towards others, you are in a highly concerning situation because the only thing that matters to people like that is advancing their own agenda. They are willing to sacrifice you and everything that matters to you in pursuit of their own agenda. Even the most advanced communication and conflict resolution skills do not work with them. Entirely different strategies are called for. Using healthy skills actually makes us more vulnerable to these individuals, because they exploit our personal code of honor of treating people well and fairly. The sole goal with these people is to contain their behavior in such a way that it stops harming us.


True resolution of problems with ill-intentioned people is not possible, because solving issues is not their point. The conflict itself is the point. These folks continually try to bait others into interactions they can use to their advantage. If you engage, you lose. These people do some of the worst damage to people’s minds, hearts, and souls. They destroy trust in life and other people because they instigate tremendous amounts of conflict, then blame the other person for it. They toy with people for the sport of it and leave a lot of destruction in their wake.


For example, if your co-worker or leader has a good track record of treating people well, doing their own job to the best of their ability, and taking accountability for the occasional mistakes they do make, then there’s a high likelihood they will genuinely try to resolve problems when they are brought to their attention. Conversely, your co-worker or leader may have a history of being a jerk to people, doing their own job marginally, not taking responsibility and blaming others for pretty much everything. With that kind of track record, that’s not a person who is going to be interested in hearing about, let alone resolving, conflict. You have to look at what is most consistent about them over time.


If you have a generally good and trustworthy co-worker or leader, give them the benefit of the doubt and do your best to work with them to resolve anything that comes up. They’ll appreciate your honesty even healthymanviagra.com if it’s hard for them to hear, because they have a demonstrated interest in having a healthy, productive workplace. If you have a co-worker or leader who typically acts disrespectfully and doesn’t seem to care, then it’s a mistake to think they will take whatever specific issue you are bringing up seriously. It is not your responsibility to trust those who have proven they can’t be trusted.


Next up, the five categories of troubled co-workers and leaders. Until then, stay strong and take good care of yourself. You’re worth it!

By |2017-05-30T05:51:01-05:00May 2nd, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The #1 Question to Answer When You Are Faced With a Bad Work Situation

How To Hang On

What do you do when go to the situation you’re facing overwhelms the resources you have to deal with it? First, you decide not to feel bad about yourself. All of us, at one point or another, have found ourselves in the middle of a mess. Sometimes we’ve made our own mistakes or poor choices. Other times we encounter dysfunctional people who specialize in making messes for others.  Regardless of whose fault it was, what matters is that there is a way out of the mess for you. You deserve to live a happy, healthy life. Free from abuse, oppression, or bondages that limit your future. God created you to serve a special purpose that only you can fulfill. For Him. For the rest of us. That sacred opportunity and duty that you have is priceless. Don’t let anyone rob you of it. Realizing that you’re worth the work it takes to turn your life around is the key to your success.


The next vitally important step is to fully face the reality of the situation. Square your shoulders, lift up your head, and look your situation right in the eye. Stare it down if you have to. Don’t flinch or cower. You’ve got what it takes to deal with the truth. Remember that even if something was your fault, you’ve decided to make a change and move forward now. That’s an honorable choice.


Next, figure out where you want to go. What have you learned from the situation? How can you improve? Even if you’re the one who made poor choices, how can you bring good out of the situation, for yourself or others? It’s never too late to do the next right thing.


Finally, find a reason to hope. The importance of this cannot be overstated. Most of us can recognize when we’re in a mess and come up with a plan to move beyond it. Hope is the vitally important bridge between where we are and what comes next. Maybe the odds are stacked against you, or you face a formidable foe. Acknowledge that, then find a reason to hope anyway. Hope gives you strength for the journey. Hope gives you the ability to make better decisions. Hope gives you courage. Be strong. Be smart. Be brave. You got this.

By |2017-04-30T16:41:33-05:00April 28th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How To Hang On

Toxic Workplaces: Assess the Problem

Today we are continuing our series on toxic workplaces. We can’t possibly solve something we don’t understand. Bad leaders create a lot of confusion about what is really going on in an organization. That dynamic is sometimes very deliberate. Some leaders operate in the shadows, making shady deals, telling lies, and pitting people against each other. If a leader can cause chaos among the troops, it diverts attention from anyone realizing that the root of the problem is the leader. This kind of work environment is exhausting and exasperating to deal with. Healthy people in these environments, who see the truth and speak up against the drama, often experience immense pressure to conform to the leader’s warped spin on reality. They are made to feel abnormal for being healthy. This has a corrosive effect on the individual, the team, the organization, and the stakeholders. Stepping back from the dynamics is essential to recognize where the problems are actually coming from. Everyone has experience of working in a chaotic office at some point in their professional life. It’s the sort of place where they refuse to get with the times and fail to use Filecenter document management software due to their archaic views on how an office should be run.

There are three sources of trouble at work: co-workers, leaders, or the system. In the interest of our own growth and maturity, it helps to take a look at whether or not we are playing any kind of contributing role to the problems, but for now we’re going to talk about when the problem is someone else. The popular theory that both individuals in a conflict are always at fault is false. Sometimes issues really are the handiwork of just one person, and those around them are victims of either circumstance or opportunity. While some offices and workplaces may not suffer from the actions of certain individuals, the office itself may be outdated and not conducive to productivity. A makeover of sorts, including new office monster furniture and supplies, may be in order to revitalize an office and make it practical and well-equipped for the modern age.

Co-workers. Our co-workers are a huge part of our lives. We spend significant time with them and their impact on us is inescapable. Our worst experiences are those in which our co-workers come to work unable or unwilling to do their part to create a healthy, productive work environment, and rob the rest of us from having that critically important foundation for a good work life. Dysfunctional people will cause disruption in the work environment to one degree or another.

Leaders. Impaired leaders destroy people, environments, and missions. Impaired leaders force their people to carry at least part of the leader’s burdens. This derails the missions and generates immense resentment among healthy people who are stuck with extra duties as well as having to tend to the emotional wreckage left in the impaired leader’s wake. read more at Leadership also magnifies flaws. Leaders have to be mature enough to become their best selves and bring their A game to the workplace everyday.

The system. Sometimes the problem is not difficult co-workers or leaders, but a system that is inherently predisposed to allow problems to arise and flourish. Examples include systems that greatly constrain or prohibit consequences for bad behavior, good old boys (or girls) clubs, a hierarchy that diffuses accountability to the point of irrelevance, or control that lies outside the organization. If the organization utilizes misconduct of any kind as a justified means to an end, that is a systemic toxic culture, bigger than just the everyday immediate environment you work in. Similarly, if the leadership is focused on hoarding power and resources for their personal benefit, rather than a shared vision to fulfill the mission of the organization, that is also a systemic toxic cultures. Those are only a couple of examples.

Next week we’ll talk about the #1 question to answer when you are faced with a bad work situation.

By |2017-04-15T03:20:37-05:00April 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Taming the Toxic Workplace

Today we are going to begin a series of blogs that will serve as an online workshop you can benefit from in the comfort of your own home. We will start with written blogs and add video blogs as we go along. I also offer a workbook that expands on the mini-teachings the blogs will provide. https://www.amazon.com/Taming-Toxic-Workplace-Workbook-Holland/dp/1530498961/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1474201170&sr=8-2&keywords=taming+the+toxic+workplace

I created this material to help employees learn how to deal effectively with the impact bad workplaces are having on their lives. My goal is to give you new strategies for dealing with whatever nonsense you are facing at work, and help you get your life back. Whether it be new ideas for better Hr Compliance implementation across the business, or ways to call out inappropriate behavior in the workplace that may be harder to spot than the usual suspects. Regardless of what position you hold in your organization, if you have someone above you, next to you, or under you who is robbing you of safety and health, what you’ll learn can make a vital and perhaps even life-saving difference.

Everyone deserves a safe, healthy, productive work environment. Yet too many of today’s organizations aren’t even thinking about safety or health as an organizational objective. Too many of today’s leaders are untrained, dysfunctional, or otherwise compromised. Chaotic workplaces where there is no clear authority structure can lead to dangerous consequences. Some people even experience accidents in the workplace because of these sorts of environments. You might want to look for some injury law attorneys if you’ve had an accident at work that wasn’t your fault. Some employee’s personal issues can invade the workplace and wreak havoc, they might not realize themselves leaving boxes or potential trip hazards out for people to injure themselves on. Serious problems arise from compromised co-workers too. It creates a cycle of destruction in which one person’s dysfunction feeds the needs of another’s dysfunction until the mission is a distant memory and the bottom line lies in tattered ruins. With it comes the very real carnage of people’s shattered self-worth, family life, careers, and dreams. Not only that, but it can lead to an increasing array of accidents and injuries, usually needing the intervention of a legal team such as lamber goodnow to help put right, or at least on the path to mending. When a workplace reaches this state it is an entirely unacceptable state of affairs, and I am on a mission to change it. We must transform our workplaces from toxic cesspools of despair to places of victory. We all must be willing to change. While some offices and workplaces may not be dangerous, they may still be outdated and not conducive to productivity. A makeover of sorts, including new office monster furniture and supplies, may be in order to revitalize an office and make it practical and well-equipped for the modern age.

Weak leaders allow problems ranging from aggravating to dangerous, to run unchecked. They abdicate responsibility, refuse to listen, live in denial, and cover up misconduct. They leave people to fend for themselves, without the ability or authority to resolve problems. They send their best employees to workshops about how to deal with difficult people, rather than demanding accountability from the difficult people themselves. These kinds of leaders go to hire guest speakers to conduct what amounts to pep rallies to distract people from the reality of the problems they face. They will do team building activities to give the appearance of caring. They coerce employees into pretending with them that nothing is wrong. All of it is designed to restore the leader’s emotional comfort. It’s never about the team. It’s always about the leader. Some leaders are lazy and too emotionally stunted in their own growth to deal with the tough stuff. They will manipulate people and engineer situations for their own advantage, at the expense of the team. Those types of leaders do massive damage to their employee’s health and lives. Those profoundly negative impacts rarely make the news, but they fundamentally alter the course of people’s futures.

This series of blogs is going to teach you how to systematically work through a comprehensive assessment of the problems and their impact on you, and then shift into strategies for solving those problems and mitigating the damage. Even if you think your situation is so unique or so toxic that no one could possibly understand and nothing can help, hang in there. There is hope.

By |2017-04-15T03:20:27-05:00April 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

Categories of Troubled Co-Workers / Leaders: #1 Addiction

As we began discussing last week, addiction is a major source of trouble that invades every aspect of a person’s life. The individual may be addicted to a substance or activity. Or they may be involved in other people’s addictions. Or they may have grown up in a family that had an addict in it. Active addiction issues encroach on the work environment. The addict may be using their substance or engaging in their activity on the premises, at lunch, or on company time. Or they may keep the active use out of the workplace, but the effects still cause significant problems. The longer this addiction problem goes on for, the higher the chance of them having a tolerance to it. There will be many healthcare professionals in your area who will be able to help with substance use problems should you want to get your life back on track. But for some people, their addiction can carry over into their workplace. Signs can include poor attendance, lack of productivity, being preoccupied to the point of distraction, mood swings based on getting their fix, hostile interactions with others, lying, cheating, stealing, secretive behavior, and punishment for those who do not help cover the addict’s tracks.

In much the same way, people who grew up in an addicted family who have never dealt with those issues, also show classic behavioral traits that disrupt the work environment. This also can create a toxic undercurrent that erodes trust, productivity, and mission accomplishment. It also does a lot of damage to healthy people, in much the same way that a daily dose of poison would hurt a healthy person. There are some great lists online about the behaviors that are commonly seen in adult children of addicted families. We don’t have time to go into them in detail today, but in general, it comes down to a person living by rigid rules and roles, with severe consequences for anyone who steps outside that restricted world. The goal with every trait, rule, and role is to protect the addict from the consequences of his/her own behavior. The addict shoves off their responsibility to the rest of the family, and rather than taking responsibility for themselves, they force their family to take responsibility for them. It is crazy-making for people who aren’t actually responsible for something, to be required to take responsibility. There is a lot of hysteria about this. If someone doesn’t play their part, the addicted family acts as if it is a matter of life or death, when in reality if someone knows of a close one that is suffering from addiction, they should make it a priority to get in touch with rehabilitation services perhaps coupled with some form of treatment through a facility you can find if you to click here, as an example. However, if the family has been dealing with the addicted relative for some time with no signs of remedy, they will stop at nothing to make a healthy person look like a sick person. There is enormous desperation to hide the truth of their downfalls.

The addicted family creates a highly distorted world for everyone in it. It’s not always clear to the people inside that system, what is real and what is distorted. When the children of these families grow up and enter the work force, if they have never dealt with these issues they will end up functioning in their teams the way they functioned in their family. Leaders will end up creating workplaces that function like their addicted family. They will select a narrative for themselves, perhaps that they need to be taken care of (the this website victim). This translates to a mandate that their employees keep secrets for them so they don’t have to face any consequences for their behavior. If there is a staff member who grew up in an addicted family and never dealt with their issues either, they may leap to the defense of the leader at any cost (the rescuer). Healthy employees who have dealt with their issues, make good choices, and don’t buy into the sick rules or roles they are assigned are branded the enemy (the villain). What happens in these situations is that a battle develops between the healthy people wanting to do their jobs and being focused on the mission, and the unhealthy people wanting to stage a drama each day to fulfill unmet emotional needs within themselves. The “victims” send out distress signals to the “rescuers” and together they fight to vanquish the “villains.” They replicate in the work environment the same destruction that took place in their living room growing up.

Next week we will talk about the next category of troubled co-workers / leaders. Until then, be well, be safe, and stay strong!

By |2017-04-30T16:41:49-05:00April 17th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Categories of Troubled Co-Workers / Leaders: #1 Addiction

Vision and Values

As my business model has evolved into a part-time online ministry, a clear vision and cherished set of values has emerged. Since you’re following me, it’s only fair you know what my ministry is all about. I’m bold enough to claim the promises of God and set my sights on making a significant contribution to the world. We all have a ripple impact and I want mine to be as positive as possible. The workplace is my mission field and for the first time in my life, I don’t just feel appointed, I feel anointed for this honored task.


My vision is nothing less than:

  • Saving lives
  • Restoring health
  • Healing marriages
  • Preventing child and animal abuse
  • Bringing people back to God
  • Freeing people from the oppression of bad workplaces
  • Helping people break strongholds and bondages in their life
  • Equipping people to fulfill their purpose, find inner peace, and become an asset to their families and communities


My values are:

  • Relentless passion to connect people with a positive message
  • Providing meaningful opportunities for engagement
  • Unwavering respect
  • Impeccable integrity
  • Spirit-led decision making
  • First-class leadership
  • Unceasing maturity
  • Deep love of people and compassion for their individual stories
  • Multi-dimensional health and wholeness
  • Being an awesome steward of the trust people place in me
  • Giving back to the community


I think we’re off to a great start!

By |2017-02-22T15:21:51-06:00February 14th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Vision and Values
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