
About Deb Holland

I am passionate about leveraging strategic teaching tools to help people build lives of joy and victory!

Inaugural Blog

No matter who you are, it is possible to reclaim your destiny after life’s hardships and mistakes!  ~ Deb Holland, PhD, LCSW

Hello and Welcome to Team Destiny! It’s an honor to have you join us. My website serves as our home base.

As a member of Team Destiny you’ll enjoy several perks.  Every other week you’ll be treated to a blog that offers candid, mindful, and strategic advice for achieving breakthrough success in your life.  You’ll receive advance information and deals on upcoming products and services.  Facebook posts will inspire and connect you.  At random times and for no particular reason you’ll receive a Tweet designed to uplift your day.  You’ll experience acceptance of whoever you are and whatever spiritual road you are traveling in this life.

My material is deliberately created to be as useful to the widest diversity of people as possible.  I am passionate about helping large numbers of people. We may not have met yet, but I care deeply about you and your family.  I will be one of those rare people in your life who makes no demands, offers abundant support, and adds value in ways you can apply to your real life in real time.  Perhaps most importantly, the best part of Team Destiny is waking up every day knowing there are people all over the world just like you, working to fulfill their purpose too.  You’re a cherished member of our community now, and we’re glad to have you!

Here’s what you can look forward to in the future. This fall my first book will be released, and will serve as the springboard for our work together.  2014 will offer exciting opportunities for new products and services for those of you interested in a more in-depth learning experience.  Check back often for our latest information.

I greatly look forward to helping you achieve breakthrough success in your life! Until then, take good care of yourself and those you love, strive for excellence, and keep your dreams right out in front of you.

Respectfully and warmly yours,


Meditation for this week

Today I will begin to think about my destiny and why it matters in my life.  How would pursuing it change me in valuable ways? How would it benefit my family, and community? Great Spirit, thank you for giving me a destiny to fulfill.

By |2017-01-01T12:11:15-06:00August 31st, 2013|Team Destiny|52 Comments

Your Destiny, Your Birthright

“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” Romans 12:6 NLT

Hello Team Destiny, and welcome to the first installment of a one-year mini-study of Make Your Destiny Your Reality. Each month we will send out one written blog, and one video blog. Our team is committed to adding value to your life through a variety of tools designed to appeal to all learning styles.

Each month we will focus on one chapter of the book. The chapters are: Claim Your Destiny, Begin or Begin Again, Create Defensible Space, Claim Your Resurrection Power, Find Healthy Support, Unshackle Yourself from the Past, Discern the Vision for the Future, Chart Your Course, Set a Sustainable Pace, Show Up and Work Your Plan, Overcome Challenges, and Finish the Race.

The essence of chapter one teaches that your destiny is your birthright and a vital part of God’s plan for our larger community. Building your destiny gives you a powerful way to overcome the hardships of the past, make up for any mistakes you’ve made, and create a life of abundant victory and joy. But it’s not going to just show up on your front porch one day. You’ve got to go after it! You’ve got to make a decision to claim it. If you had a winning lottery ticket you wouldn’t sit around and stare at it. You’d go cash it in. So it is with your destiny. It’s the winning lottery ticket of life plans for you, and it’s trying to get your attention, right now. Can you hear it? What is it, and what are you waiting for?! This is your time, this is your destiny, today is the someday you always talked about, now go get it!!

Our team greatly looks forward to helping you achieve breakthrough success in your life! Until then, take good care of yourself and those you love, strive for excellence, and keep your dreams right out in front of you.

Respectfully yours,

Meditation for this week
Today I will think about two trails I have the opportunity to follow in my life. One leads me to my destiny. One doesn’t. What will life be like for me and my family at the end of each trail? Great Spirit, thank you for giving me the wisdom to make strategic choices for my future.

By |2017-06-23T17:20:38-05:00June 13th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Your Destiny, Your Birthright

Reclaim Your Destiny!

No matter who you are, it is possible to reclaim your destiny after life's hardships and mistakes! This book breaks down the action steps necessary to make your destiny your reality. Each chapter builds upon the last to equip readers with a solid blueprint for success: Claim Your Destiny, Begin or Begin Again, Create Defensible Space, Claim Your Resurrection Power, Find Healthy Support, Unshackle visit page Yourself from the Past, Discern the Vision for the Future, Chart Your Course, Set a Sustainable Pace, Show Up and Work Your Plan, Overcome Challenges, and Finish the Race. Equip yourself for the future of your dreams, and step into the extraordinary life that awaits you!

By |2017-06-23T17:20:25-05:00June 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Reclaim Your Destiny!


No matter what has come before, it is possible for you to build a life of victory and joy! ~ Deb Holland, PhD, LCSW

Hello world! Welcome to Make Your Destiny Your Reality, the book that’s changing lives! Rather than asking “why?” about visit this what’s happened to you up until now, make a decision to live into “why not?” Why not, regardless of whatever we have gone through before, try again? Why not, love again? Why not, dream again, hope again, believe again, contribute again? Why not strive to create an abundantly blessed life? Why not, indeed! It is my fervent hope for you that you will take this opportunity to regain your own center and formulate a plan for the next phase of your life. Growth is never easy, and overcoming tragedy can be excruciating. But remember that you’re still standing after everything that led you to this book, so there is still plenty of hope you can turn your situation around. This book breaks down the action steps necessary to make your destiny your reality, and launch you into a new dimension of happiness and abundant living. Learn how to unleash the power of you! Here’s how:

  • Claim Your Destiny
  • Begin or Begin Again
  • Create Defensible Space
  • Claim Your Resurrection Power
  • Find Healthy Support
  • Unshackle Yourself from the Past
  • Discern the Vision for the Future
  • Chart Your Course
  • Set a Sustainable Pace
  • Show Up and Work Your Plan
  • Overcome Challenges
  • Finish the Race

Friends, our world needs your destiny! Don’t look back one day and have a flash of insight about how much better life could have been for you and your family, if only you had decided to make your destiny your reality. Learn what it takes and then do it with no regrets!

I greatly look forward to helping you achieve breakthrough success in your life! Until then, take good care of yourself and those you love, strive for excellence, and keep your dreams right out in front of you.

Respectfully and warmly yours,

Today I will educate myself about how to discover and pursue my destiny. If my life isn’t the way I want it to be yet, doesn’t it make sense to try something new? How might a different perspective awaken me to my own possibilities? Great Spirit, thank you for giving me the ability and knowledge to build my destiny.

By |2017-05-30T05:50:50-05:00May 7th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Announcing…

The Fourth Road

“The decision we make after life has been too hard for too long bears an eternal impact on our destiny.”  ~ Deb Holland, PhD

Hello Team Destiny,
As most of us have learned, setting goals and getting started is often the easy part.  What is far harder is beginning again when things have gone awry. This is the second installment of a one-year mini-study of Make Your Destiny Your Reality.

Failures of any kind can naturally make us reluctant to take new risks.  Of particular danger to us, is when there have been a series of hard times that leave us shaken or shut down or both.  We stand at a crossroads then, with four different roads we can travel staring us in the face, awaiting our decision.  The first road requires nothing more than staying precisely where we are, stuck, broken.  It’s a choice that sadly, a lot of people make, sometimes even for logical reasons.  Yet when we choose to accept a stunted fate, we let the bad guys or the bad circumstances win. Permanently.  In our heart of hearts, none of us really wants that.  The second road requires that we step through the intersection, make a single attempt at a new success, and at the first sign of trouble we hunker down and quit.  Permanently.  A number of us make that choice, comforting ourselves with the thought that hey we did give it another try and it didn’t work, so settling in to failure is not our fault because there’s nothing we can do about it.  The impact of roads one and two is the same, and guarantees our destiny will never be fulfilled.  These roads also erode our hearts, minds, and spirits until people deteriorate into shells of their former vibrant selves.  We can do better than that.

The third road starts us off in a positive direction. It allows us to put the past in perspective, and leave it behind.  It requires us to start anew, and recalibrate our thinking, feelings, beliefs, and dreams.  It offers us fresh hope for new forms of happiness, a new normal for our daily routines, and a new purpose and meaning for our Cheap generic Viagra in Canada: Make safe purchases via a Canadian pharmacy. lives.  It doesn’t keep us stuck permanently in negative circumstances, stagnating into oblivion.  Road number three creates a momentum of its own that carries us forward in a positive direction.  It is a life-giving road that benefits us and others, and gives us a great chance to fulfill our destiny.  The only danger on this road is if we encounter more difficulty and give up.  Road three is a solid choice, but still, we can do better.

The fourth road offers us the best possible chance to eventually create the life we really want. It is the same as road number three, but teaches us to be flexible for the duration of our lives.  It doesn’t allow us to quit, ever.  It doesn’t demonstrate a willingness to keep trying only for a finite period of time, to see how things work out, still leaving much of the ultimate outcome to fate.  Road number four requires faith in God rather than the whims of fate, and faith in ourselves and the inherently good purpose of our life. It means we find a reason to hope, no matter how small.  It means we find a way to overcome every obstacle we deal with.  Ultimately it means that we choose determination again and again, come what may.  It is only under these circumstances that we can rest assured that our destiny will be fulfilled, and you just can’t do better than that!

Respectfully yours,


Meditation for this week
Today I will find a way to put the past in perspective.  I will make note of all the signs of hope that come my way. I will get started on recalibrating and flexing and having faith to get moving on a lifelong road of fulfilling the destiny you have blessed me with.  Great Spirit, thank you for giving me the courage to begin again!

By |2017-04-30T16:41:21-05:00April 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Fourth Road

Unleash the Power of You!

Team Destiny is blessed to announce our latest updates!  We’ve been hard at work here rolling out the welcome mat to add you to our growing family of people who are making their destiny their reality.  Thank you for joining us!

The book turned out awesome and is now available at We are humbled and thrilled to share that we are already hearing from people that the book is an answer to prayer.  That’s exactly what we wanted, and we hope it goes on to help people from all walks of life and spiritual beliefs become all that God has called them to be, however they choose to define that!  Our biweekly destiny blog will start next week.  We look forward to bringing you fresh content that will inspire and challenge you to action!

We are also happy to share that mentoring is now available!  This is your best opportunity to work with me one-on-one, with my full attention for your individual situation.  Whether you are just starting out in your career, looking to advance, winding down, or in serious need of an overhaul, together we can come up with a game plan to leverage opportunities, navigate challenges, and help you make strategic forward progress. If your venture is academic, business, or personally based, mentoring can be a great gift you give yourself as you build your foundation for success. We look forward to talking with you soon!  Please see our website for further details at

Our team greatly looks forward to helping you achieve breakthrough success in your life!  Until then, take good care of yourself and those you love, strive for excellence, and keep your dreams right out information in front of you.

Respectfully yours,


Meditation for this week

Today I will think about what investments I can strategically make as I work to create my destiny.  What tools will work best for what I need to take the next step in my life? Great Spirit, thank you for having resources I can leverage to make a better life for myself and my family.

By |2017-04-15T03:20:17-05:00April 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Unleash the Power of You!

Life is Now

Take 30 seconds for yourself to watch this video blog and get fired up to live now!

Share it with others who need a positive message today.

By |2017-02-22T15:17:07-06:00February 26th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Life is Now
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