Awesome Leaders: Sentries at the Gate
Welcome back! Once you've established a healthy culture, guard it like a sentry at the gate. Do not allow poison in any form to ever flow through the system. If you detect it, eliminate it. You are not doing anyone any good if you are not holding people accountable in this critical area. The culture [...]
Awesome Leaders: Set the Tone
Welcome back! As a leader, the culture starts with you. Leaders set the tone. It is your job to maintain standards. A team is only as strong as its weakest leader. If you are a leader of other leaders, you'll be responsible for the impact they have on their teams and the organization. There is [...]
Awesome Leaders: The Poison
Welcome back! Dysfunctional cultures have one hallmark feature: there is some kind of poison running through the system. That poison may be one person who is allowed to disrupt the work environment without consequences. The poison may be a good old boys or good old girls club that squelches other people's opportunities for success.The poison [...]