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As a general rule, leaders make more money than a lot of other folks do. This incredible blessing is not to be taken lightly, or hoarded for strictly selfish pursuits. Leaders have the ability to provide major blessings that profoundly alter the course of someone’s future. At least once in your life, do something amazing for someone. Really, truly, over the top awesome. The kind of thing that catapults them towards their dreams in a quantum leap they could never accomplish on their own. Do this without fanfare and with no expectation of anything in return for yourself. Do it because you can, and because it changes the course of history for at least two people: the recipient, and yourself. You will not be unchanged by this process.

Here are some examples. Start an emergency fund at your vet’s office for families who can’t pay for necessary medical care for their beloved pets. Create a new scholarship at a school, even if it is small at first. Start a new sports program that give people who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to participate, the experience of team play. Pay for music, art, sports, or other types of lessons / programs for a kid growing up in tough circumstances. Send a kid to summer camp in their area of interest. Finance a local church’s mission trip. Pay off a single mom’s car. Mentor or tutor someone. Volunteer to lead a major community initiative such as reducing homelessness. Offer strategic planning services to a non-profit at no charge. The opportunities are endless. Ask only one thing of the recipient, whether you choose to reveal who you are or not. Ask them to become everything they are meant to be so they can do something really cool for someone else someday. This isn’t just throwing a pebble into the pond, it’s heaving a boulder into it. That positive ripple effect will be massive and far reaching.

Until next time, I’ll be praying for you as you hone in on specific people that you can bless in ways they’d never expect. Go be the reason someone’s faith is restored.