Welcome back!

As a leader, you will have far more visibility in the community than other people. Learn how to accept this. People will always be watching you, looking up to you, and observing how you handle things. Make sure that there is congruence between your personal and professional worlds. Don’t be the manipulative jerk who manufactures a shiny public image, while abusing their family behind closed doors. Be a real grown up. The importance of being a healthy, whole, integrated, functional person cannot be overstated. You haven’t arrived when you become a leader. Your work is just beginning. A lot more responsibility rests on your shoulders now, and it’s up to you to get it right. The trust that’s been placed in you is sacred, so honor it as such. Have a steady baseline of behavior that people can count on whether you are at work, at home, or out in the community. No hidden addictions, no scams, no scandals. That’s the only way you’ll earn the longitudinal respect you need to operate effectively and make the greatest possible contribution. The more you attain self-mastery and wisdom, the more you will create an excellent, authentic reputation. Cherish and protect it once it’s built. It is in fact that valuable.

Until next time, I’ll be praying for you to root out any blemishes in your character like dandelions in a summer lawn.