Destiny: Release The Seeds
Welcome back! Releasing the seeds past fires have freed from their shell can propel your destiny far beyond what would otherwise be possible. We may have suffered at the hands of other people, caused suffering with our own bad choices, or had random painful events make a mess in our lives. God is with us [...]
Destiny: Let The Pruning Begin!
Welcome back! Once you've defined the zone, it's time to haul out the pruners or maybe even the chainsaw. Whatever it takes to clear out the internal and external clutter that distracts us, crowds our space, and creates unnecessary risk in our lives. Those who are less confident with tackling tree pruning duties to reduce [...]
Destiny: Define The Zone
Welcome back! While the details will be unique to each of us, defensible space is something we all need in our lives. Today's modern lifestyle can be filled with clutter and stress. We are frequently bombarded with noise, distraction, and issues far beyond our control. It can be very easy to grow weary, to lose [...]