

Destiny: Overcome Challenges

Welcome back! Along the way we will face obstacles and resistance. If we are realistic about the inevitable challenges, we will be better prepared to overcome them when they arise. We may need to do a new round of realigning relationships, reallocating time, or revising the budget. We may need to temporarily push ourselves harder [...]

By |March 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Destiny: Overcome Challenges

Destiny: Build Those Skills!

Welcome back! Another reason to keep working hard early on is because it's the time when you'll typically experience minimal obstacles. If you've done a good job of not broadcasting your plans then you're still running in stealth mode. The beautiful thing about that is it delays the inevitable phase when everyone starts to weigh [...]

By |March 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Destiny: Build Those Skills!

Destiny: Hard Hat & Lunch Pail Mentality

Welcome back! As for your own mindset, get up each day with a hard hat and lunch pail mentality. That means getting up expecting to put in the time and effort necessary to build your destiny. Every day will be different. Some days the best thing you can do is take a break and rest [...]

By |March 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Destiny: Hard Hat & Lunch Pail Mentality
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