Awesome Leaders: Mission Evolution
Welcome back! 🙂 As a leader, you are not only tasked with fulfilling the mission, it is your responsibility to help evolve it over time. The mission must adapt to internal and external business realities and environments. Today's organizations are called upon more and more to keep up with competitive demands and dwindling resources. Evolve [...]
Awesome Leaders: Equip Yourself for the Journey
Welcome back! Carefully consider what support and resources you need to improve results. There are a lot of low or no cost resources available online or at your local public library, that can help you think of ways to make things better for yourself and the team. Recognizing, rewarding, and supporting people in their pursuit [...]
Awesome Leaders: Setting the Stage for Success
Welcome back! Each day, think about how you can make your team's life operationally easier, both in real time and over the long haul. This is one of the best problem prevention strategies you can use. When people's stress level is minimized and their productivity maximized, they will be free to give their very best [...]