Welcome back!

Each day, think about how you can make your team’s life operationally easier, both in real time and over the long haul. This is one of the best problem prevention strategies you can use. When people’s stress level is minimized and their productivity maximized, they will be free to give their very best to the organization. Be a change agent, and fine tune what you are doing until you have a smoothly operating system in place that allows both you and the team to thrive.

Be willing to take smartly calculated risks and head out to the edge of your growth zone. That’s where big breakthroughs can and do happen. You and your team will never reach your potential until you are willing to stand up, stand out, and march on. It doesn’t mean it’s easy, or that it won’t ruffle feathers. It simply means that if you want to attain massive results, you can’t do it with the same old comfortable routines. You’re going to have to invent a new way of thinking, being, and doing.

You got this! Until next time, dare to dream about what your organization would be like if you did run the place!