Welcome back!

Of equal importance to excelling with your daily deliverables, is continuously improving your results. Ask the team to help you improve the process and the product, and you will have a group that continually refreshes and renews itself. There will be little chance for boredom, and mischief will be minimized when people are actively engaged not only in doing their basic job, but in helping strengthen the organization as a whole. It’s a great mindset for people to be in and stay in during their workday. Being immersed in a forward thinking environment is far better than your team hating their jobs, thinking what they do doesn’t really matter, and watching the clock until it is time to go home.

Do the same thing for yourself. Think about how you can add value beyond what you are already accomplishing. Propose projects or new initiatives, figure out how to overcome obstacles, find ways to increase productivity or lower costs. Have fun with this, and spend time thinking about the bigger picture. Set the example and keep yourself engaged in the process of continuous improvement. It will make your job more interesting too.

Until next time, I’m rooting for you to analyze the big picture and help shape the direction your organization will take into the future!