Maturity Matters

Maturity does two things for you. It provides you with opportunities you otherwise wouldn’t have. Perhaps most importantly, it makes your experience of life a much better one.


Genuinely mature people realize there are powers in the universe much greater than they are. They don’t try to play God, or make themselves a false idol in anyone else’s life. They also realize there is a big world out there, filled with people who think differently than they do. They make room for other people and stay humble. They realize it isn’t all about them.


Mature people are easy to spot. They are the ones who are not manipulating, not bullying, and not trying to engineer situations for their own personal gain. They aren’t running around creating chaos and confusion in their endless quest to grab all they can for themselves without giving back. They are stable. They own who they are. They care for others. They honor their roles in life. They have their priorities straight. They make thoughtful decisions that take others into consideration. People are attracted to that sort of calm, mindful living. If you had an opportunity you were looking to share with someone, who would you pick? The person who is running around pleasing themselves, often at the expense of others? Or the person who is clearly making a conscious choice to be a force for good in the world? Immature people never realize how much they missed out on because their presentation of themselves to the world was so poor.


Mature people are also a lot happier. They don’t have less problems in life, they just choose to handle them in the most productive way possible. They live from a values based system that makes their decisions much easier for them. If something is in alignment with their philosophy and goals, they do it. If it’s not, they don’t. They experience less conflict with others because they have made a conscious decision to treat other people well. They avoid drama. They aren’t trying to cover their insecurities or deal with their problems by putting others in a one down position. They tend to be beacons of light. Quality people are attracted to that. Shady people who like to operate in dark corners hate the light and avoid it whenever possible. Eliminating them from your life automatically eliminates a ton of stress.


All of these things provide the mature person with one invaluable treasure: inner peace. When you have that, you have everything.