If you are in a situation where you have assessed that a total fix is not possible, then you may still have hope of a partial resolution. You may still be able to significantly improve the problem for yourself, the team, the organization, and the community. Aspects of the problem will remain, but enough of it is fixed to allow a new and healthier chapter to begin. For example, if you have managers with multiple problems, you may not be able to resolve all of them specifically, but you may be able to get someone to rein in the bad behavior generally. That kind of an outcome still greatly improves the environment for the team, and puts accountability in place where there was none before. The backlash is much more likely to come from just that one person, but because they are being watched, they will only take it so far. Again, only you can determine if this is a wise option, and it should be done in consultation with your family. If you are a leader it should also be discussed with the most trusted members of your team. The strategy possibilities are the same as what can be attempted to resolve the problem in its entirety. The difference is realizing from the outset that you may not be able to correct the culture or systemic bad leadership, but you may still be able to put a stop to the worst behavior and rein in the most corrupt among them. Some possibilities are:

  • Speaking directly with the problem individual to request or demand that the problem be resolved
  • Reporting the problem to a trustworthy source
  • Requesting alternative dispute resolution
  • Filing a complaint in-house
  • Filing a complaint outside the organization
  • Filing action in a formal adversarial process
  • Going to an oversight body
  • Hiring an attorney
  • Making a police report and/or involving law enforcement
  • Going to Congress
  • Going to the press

Next week we are going to take a look at what you can do if you assess that the problem cannot be even partially resolved. Until then, stay safe, stay strong, and know I'll be praying for you!