
About Deb Holland

I am passionate about leveraging strategic teaching tools to help people build lives of joy and victory!

The Five Categories of Troubled Co-Workers/Leaders

We need to make an important distinction between acute, temporary issues and dysfunctional ways of dealing with life. Everyone has a stress threshold. We all have a point at which the situation we are facing exceeds our resources for coping with it. Someone facing difficult circumstances is not defined as a troubled individual. That is a stressed individual. People who are temporarily overwhelmed are typically not toxic. People with chronically entrenched maladaptive ways of navigating the world are almost always toxic. When you are trying to figure out what’s going on with someone, this is an incredibly important distinction to make.


There are many kinds of acute stress. Loss of a loved one, marital struggles, financial problems, health issues, and other unavoidable aspects of being human can weigh any of us down. Take a good look at the history of the individual, especially within the context you share with them. If they have always been respectful and professional, and suddenly they seem easily irritated and difficult to talk to, that’s a sign of an acute stress of some kind. It doesn’t matter if you ever know what the stressor is. What does matter is that you realize that you are dealing with someone who is temporarily overwhelmed. Reach out to them if that makes sense for you and just let them know you care. Then support them while they resolve their situation and return to their normal, dependable behavior. You can offer support in a number of ways, depending on the individual and your relationship with them. They may just need someone to talk to so that they can share their burdens, or they may need advice on things that could help with their stress, such as marijuana (in which case, you could show them Some people may not want your help at all, but knowing you care could be enough.


There is one category of troubled individual that is also not necessarily toxic. People struggling with mental health challenges may be otherwise well adjusted individuals. What’s important to identify is whether or not the person is having issues in just one area, or if their problematic behavior is pervasive across environments. The difference looks like this. Someone may have trouble communicating in situations at work that have an element of pressure to them. For example, a person may become uncharacteristically defensive if they are unexpectedly criticized or corrected in a meeting full of other people. In that situation, the person has been triggered to act in ways that don’t represent their norm. That behavior cannot be considered toxic. It is explainable, is causing an issue in just that one area, and can be handled effectively through coaching/mentoring.


Isolated situations in just one area are in sharp contrast to someone who is having the same problem in every aspect of their life. Take the scenario of the work meeting. The toxic person isn’t triggered to react unusually, they disrupt the meeting with the same defensiveness and aggression they normally display at work, at home, and out in the community. Their behavior is dysfunctional no matter who they are with or what setting they are in. Moderating and correcting their behavior requires professional treatment. Getting help requires self-awareness, which this type of individual often lacks. They think the problem is everyone else, and fail to see that they have the same type of issues everywhere they go.


Toxic people have behavior that is distinctly abnormal on an ongoing basis. Despite all the other people or outside circumstances they blame, their toxicity can be traced to what is wrong within them. These types of people are notorious for what is called projection. That means they literally pretend that the other person is doing the behavior that’s wrong, not them. This is a highly destructive mind game they deliberately play to cause damage to their targets. In the worst cases, the perpetrators act like they are the victims. They manipulate situations and perceptions to evade responsibility. They typically refuse to even acknowledge the reality of the situation. These types of individuals are not just dysfunctional, they are dangerous.


After you have taken a good look at whether or not the special situations of acute stress and/or mental health problems might be in play, there are four other categories of trouble that are invariably going to cause toxicity in the work environment. In these categories, the problem is also pervasive across environments and it doesn’t just disrupt a workplace, it can destroy it. The categories are: addiction, criminal activity, drama stagers, and immaturity. These issues are so important that we are going to take them one at a time in the weeks to come. Until then, be safe, be healthy, and be strong!

By |2017-02-22T15:25:40-06:00February 9th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Five Categories of Troubled Co-Workers/Leaders

Categories of Troubled Co-Workers / Leaders: #4 Drama Stagers

For those of you who have not yet read the work of Dr. Alan Godwin, I highly recommend his book “How to Solve Your People Problems” (published 2011, Dr. Godwin teaches us skills for dealing with people who truly do have a bad intention towards others, or who are simply so wrapped up in themselves they do not care what the impact of their behavior is. His work goes way beyond dealing with difficult people, and is an invaluable addition to the resources available to help with our toughest situations. You can read Dr. Godwin’s work for the details, but for now I am going to add my contribution to the conversation he so eloquently started.


Drama stagers create particularly crazy making environments. Their behavior differs from people who grew up in addicted families. When adult children learn the telltale signs of how their addicted family impacted them, their life suddenly makes sense in a brand new way. They are generally grateful for the information and strive to overcome the effects of the past. For them, there was always a sense of something being not quite right but never really being able to figure out what it was, or why life wasn’t working for them. It is a relief to realize the problems can be fixed.


Drama stagers however, are well aware of their behavior and they coldly calculate using it to gain an advantage at the expense of those around them. They may have grown up in an addicted family, they may have grown up in a healthy family. They may have an addiction issue, they may not. They may or may not have mental health issues. Whatever their background is, the defining characteristic of these people is that they choose to continue acting in destructive ways because of the benefits it provides them.


Drama stagers can be merciless and have no problem sacrificing other people and what is important to them. These folks have an inflexible narrative about themselves and the world. They will do anything to preserve, protect, and defend that narrative. They constantly scan for threats, challenges, or violations of their narrative. They also assign the rest of us roles to play in their drama. We are almost always unaware of our role, but still get punished when we don’t play our part.


If you have more than one drama stager in the work environment, and their narratives serve one another’s purposes, then you’ll see even bigger and more chaotic scenes play out. In order to keep the drama going and keep everyone in an uproar so the focus is deflected from their own bad behavior, drama stagers attack people not problems. A lot of healthy people make the mistake of thinking that if they just solve whatever the drama stager is screaming about, it will fix things and there will be no more drama. Drama stagers exploit healthy individual’s kindness and other values. Drama stagers don’t want things to be fixed. They want their narrative to be reinforced. Spinning people in circles is the point. Actually fixing things is not. Drama stagers are weapons of mass disruption in the work environment, creating upheaval where there had been none before. Work is a theater for them, a stage upon which their emotional needs can be fed. Actually earning their paycheck and being a productive member of the work society is the furthest thing from their mind.


Next week we will take a look at the fifth and final major category of troubled co-workers / leaders: immaturity. Until then, be safe and stay strong!

By |2017-02-22T15:27:23-06:00February 6th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Categories of Troubled Co-Workers / Leaders: #4 Drama Stagers

Promises Kept, Promises Delivered

Hello Team Destiny!

It’s good to talk to you again!  I’ve been away from the computer and most of the rest of my activities the last couple of months because of rehabbing from a hockey injury.  I will continue to be on restricted activity status through the summer.  While I’ve been recuperating, speaking requests and fan mail continue to arrive in increasing numbers.  I’m thrilled to report that as promised, the book is changing lives.

Some who are hurting are finding hope and others have said they just plain feel worn out are discovering that life isn’t over yet. Others are embarking on new ventures to improve their communities and many have expressed finding fresh meaning in their personal lives.  I am humbled and deeply grateful for every story you share about how the book has helped you.

All of this prompted me to think about how to reach the greatest possible number of people with the destiny message.  How can we build our global community?  The bottom line I that I am unable to accept every speaking request I receive, and I don’t want the destiny message to be compromised by any logistical constraint.  So I’ve been strategically planning alternatives.

I’m in the process of retooling the entire business model, to allow the message to reach around the world and back again to every single person who needs to hear it.  I’m super excited about this new direction, and believe it’s even better than what I originally there envisioned.  I can’t wait to share it with all of you!

I’ll be away from the computer the rest of the summer, as I finish healing up.  This fall, look for the unveiling of the new direction we are heading.  Also watch for the publication of the companion workbook.  Until then, know I am thinking of you, planning to add even more value to your lives, and remain truly honored to share this journey with you.

Enjoy your summer!


By |2017-06-05T11:33:06-05:00June 15th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Promises Kept, Promises Delivered

Let your Breakdown Lead you to a Breakthrough

Hello Team Destiny, and welcome to the third installment of a one-year mini-study of Make Your Destiny Your Reality.

Life breaks all of us at some point. Major problems, or too many smaller issues, can push us beyond our ability to cope. When that happens, it can be very easy to get lost in the immediacy and enormity of the situation. It can appear that much has been lost, never to be regained. Perhaps in some measure that is actually the case. But no matter how bad the damage is, we don’t have to stay broken. click on this link When a bone is fractured, we take it as a natural fact that it ends up being stronger when it heals. The brokenness is only for a time.

So it is with our lives. Regardless of the area of brokenness, and regardless of whose fault it was, we can transform the breakdown into a breakthrough. We do that by making the choice to shake off defeat and take bold action towards healing. Whether we heal by doing some relaxing yoga stretches, or perhaps by eating some comfort food, the important thing is that we come back stronger. Breakdowns hold valuable lessons for us. Only you know, in the quiet of your own heart, how the breakdown happened and what is needed to fix it. It is only by embracing that lesson – NOT the breakdown event itself but the lesson – that we can walk through the dark hours and emerge into the light of a new day. We can choose to experience the endless pain of brokenness, or the temporary pain of healing, so it makes smart sense to suffer for the shortest amount of time possible.

As part of our healing, we need to create defensible space, to minimize the chances of being broken again. The worst mistake we can make is to walk right back into a situation that will fracture another part of us. This is the time to decide what’s healthiest for us moving forward. Our final stage of healing happens when we are able to apply the lessons we learned beyond just binding up the wounds, and make real and lasting change that gives us the greatest opportunity to thrive. At that point, we are stronger and wiser than before and are well on our way to our destiny.

Standing in faith with you,


Meditation until next time

Today I will work towards healing the broken places. I will mindfully create defensible space around myself and my life. Great Spirit, thank you for leading me through my breakdown in the wilderness to the breakthrough of my promised land.

By |2017-05-07T15:51:15-05:00May 19th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Let your Breakdown Lead you to a Breakthrough

Life Moves Forward

Life doesn’t just move on. It moves forward. ~ Deb Holland, PhD

Hello Team Destiny, it’s great to be back with you! Today we are taking a break from the destiny series because I want to share something personal with you, and it’s an important marking point in time in our journey together.

For those of you who missed the earlier post, I was injured playing hockey this year. I was in my defensive position in front of the net, scrapping for the puck, and took a hard fall. I sustained a concussion that has permanently sidelined me from the game. Don’t feel sorry for me. I gave as many hard shots in hockey as I took and I loved every minute of it. As my doctor said, I got hurt because I was out there living. As my coaches said, I got hurt because I was playing the game I loved, the way I loved. In some cases of sports injuries, you could be due compensation. Speak to a personal injury lawyer and see if you have a case. Unfortunately for me, the injury was just a result of playing the game I love and I knew the risks when I stepped onto the ice, so I didn’t have a case.

What the doctor and my coaches are referencing is my propensity to fully commit and go all-in no matter what I’m doing. In some areas of life I will not be the most talented or skilled person out there, but what I will be is the one giving the most effort with the best attitude. I discovered hockey in my 40’s and it was a passionate love affair from the start. Having it ripped away from me before I was ready to give it up was shattering. I’ve dealt with many difficulties and losses in my life, but this one was deeply personal.

Dealing with the consequences of the injury was sobering. I managed to get legal help from a firm similar to springfield il personal injury lawyer to pay the medical bills which helped immensely, but even so I went from a highly confident, PhD level educated individual who has always overcome whatever obstacle was in front of me, to a badly shaken person who could barely read or write a simple sentence without tremendous effort, frustration, and mistakes. My future hung in the balance. My ability to protect and provide for my family, which includes a few God-given individuals we’ve added to our family circle, was in jeopardy and I knew it. I didn’t lose any time asking why. It was just something that I had to deal with. It was easier said than done. As you can imagine, a lot of things were crossing my mind, like how I was going to afford my living expenses for the time being? Because who knows if I will be able to go to work. That’s when my friend told me about a disability insurance company like Breeze, ( that she used when she needed to protect her income when she was really ill and had to take some time away from work. This is an option that I never knew existed, and she placed it right in front of me. I had something to fall back on if I needed to. But I had to make sure I thought this through before making any decisions. I just wanted to know why this happened to me. I spent a lot of time cursing. And bellowing. And crying. And then cursing some more. And then I got to it. I was finally up against an adversary I couldn’t overpower, outsmart, outlast, or in any other way use my brain to conquer. Because it was my brain that was injured.

I threw myself into rehab the same way I had thrown myself into hockey. Yes, it cost a lot, but the money I got from the Personal Injury Attorney who handled my case helped immensely. Fast forward to a few months later, and my progress is described as a lot better and a lot quicker than anyone anticipated. I was just released from intensive outpatient rehab to several more months of a home program. Along the way – and part of the deal in order to be released from intensive outpatient – was to create a new normal that I could find meaning in. My coaches and friends at the rink were awesome and helped me transition to my new role. I now serve as team photographer, concussion prevention workshop presenter, and D League Committee member. And of course I still talk the same high quality smack talk off the ice with the boys as I did on the ice. It’s all a vital part of my world.

Other parts of my life were similarly impacted. Native American drumming has replaced church choir for now. My brain can’t handle the bright stage lights and reading music yet. The much-requested Destiny workbook, which I had planned to finish last spring, was just put in the editor’s hands, several months behind schedule. My public speaking career, which was off to a promising start with more requests than I could fill, had to be put completely on hold. We are retooling our entire business model to accommodate my health needs now and for the long-term. My day job, my leadership career, thank God, gave me unparalleled support as we laughed and limped our way through the summer of some hilarious mistakes I made and many frustrating moments I experienced as I fought my way back to normal functioning. The list goes on and on, because everything changed.

As I stand on the other side of the hardest summer of my life, enormously relieved to have reached this recovery milestone, looking forward to making the expected full recovery, I am above all things exceedingly grateful. Looking back, I got two full years of playing the greatest sport on earth. Some people never get a single shift. Hockey was the most expensive, painful, priceless, exuberantly joyful, and immeasurably life transformative education I’ve ever had. The game really does change lives, no matter what age you are. I have the humbling honor of a Captain’s jersey that I earned that I still wear whenever I feel like it. I have the pleasure of a hard-won championship medal and my name forever engraved on a team trophy. No injury can ever take those things from me. And the gift of the concussion is that it finally forced me to do what God has been trying to get me to do for years – slow down and take better care of myself. I’m confident that the new plan, for the new direction, for the next evolution of my life, unexpected as it was, unwanted as it was, inescapable as it was, is exactly where I am supposed to be. Life doesn’t just move on, it moves forward. Roll with it.

I’ve missed you guys and I’m glad to be back! We’ll return to the destiny series blog in a few weeks.


Meditation until next time

Great Spirit, help me find a way to move forward when it feels like I am falling backwards. Anchor me when life’s storms come. Help me roll with the unexpected, feeling how I feel, not running from reality, processing everything that’s happening, and then forging a healthy new perspective that allows me to move in a positive direction. Thank you for always standing by me.

By |2017-02-22T15:20:43-06:00February 4th, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Claim Your Ability to Arise Anew

The resurrection wasn’t a one-time deal. ~ Deb Holland, PhD

Hello Team Destiny, and welcome to the Chapter Four installment of a one-year mini-study of Make Your Destiny Your Reality. We’re loving the stories of how the book is changing lives! Please share your story with us at [email protected].

The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is yours for the taking. There isn’t anything God can’t help you overcome, no negative He can’t turn into a positive. Will you let Him? Will you make a decision to take the next bold step on your destiny journey, and give God permission to take control of your life? Will you step out in big, radical faith and trust Him? God gave all of us free will. So it’s up to you to take the power God is waiting to give you to transform your life. He won’t force it on you. Think about what you’re missing out on if you don’t make this pivotal decision. If someone offered you a free lifetime supply of gas for your car, you’d jump on the deal. If someone offered you an endless cash flow into your bank account, you wouldn’t think twice about accepting.

Yet why is it that so many of us turn our backs on the power God so freely offers us? Power to put the past to rest. Power to live at our very best in the right now. Power to create a future so dynamic and meaningful that it not only changes our future, it actually alters the trajectory of our world. And the best part is, it’s free! The only cost may be a bit of our pride, and isn’t that a small price to pay for the untold divine assistance we will receive in every aspect of our life? Your time of being stuck on Calvary Hill is over. Climb down off that cross and claim your ability to arise anew!

Yours in great hope for the future,

Meditation until next time
Today I will claim victory in God’s name over every obstacle between me and my destiny. I will take strategic action to do my part to make progress today, no matter how small. Father God, thank you for showing me the way past my own Calvary Hill and into a bright new chapter of my life.

By |2017-02-22T15:19:39-06:00February 4th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Claim Your Ability to Arise Anew
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