Welcome back!
There isn’t much work left to do now. Eventually, the race will end! The finish line is in sight. After everything it’s taken to reach this point, the only way to fail is to quit. The journey has changed you and transformed your life. You’ve survived some arduous challenges. You’ve persevered when others gave up. You stayed true to God and faithful to your gift. Now you’re right on the verge of enjoying the fruits of your labors. You’ve faithfully sowed the seeds of your destiny and you’re about to reap a bountiful harvest. This is an exciting time!
All that’s left to do now is make regular progress checks to be sure the course you’ve charted is still the one that will get you across the finish line. Don’t be afraid to discard parts of the plan that are no longer relevant. As you and your destiny grow and evolve, God will bless you with new ideas and new resources. Make adjustments and incorporate any new direction into the overall plan. Continue to honor your sustainable pace as much as possible. Similar to your start-up phase, the final hours of building your destiny may require you to temporarily live out of balance. Keep repeating the steps for success we’ve already talked about, as many times as is necessary to reach your goal. If something unexpected happens and significant delays are unavoidable, get back to your destiny as soon as you can and pick up where you left off. You’ve already demonstrated long term sustained progress and shown that you have what it takes to see things all the way through.
Friends, our world needs your destiny. You’re equipped now with the tools to make it your reality. Don’t give up in the final hour. Keep running and you will eventually finish the race God called you to. I wish you God’s abundant providence to power you all the way across the finish line. No regrets!!
Until next time, I’ll be praying for you to start visualizing running through the tape and claim your victory.