

Destiny: From Appointed to Anointed

Welcome back! God made you with unique interests, skills, and talents. For some tasks you will be gifted. For one, anointed. One of the sweetest things in life is figuring out what that anointing is and then living into it. Work becomes effortless, the ordinary becomes sacred, and you get to enjoy the fruits of [...]

By | March 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Destiny: From Appointed to Anointed

Destiny: Let The Fun Begin!

Welcome back! Once you've reached this point, the preparations have been completed and the fun part can begin! So far you've done the hard work of deciding to get started or beginning again, creating defensible space, claiming your resurrection power, finding healthy support, and unshackling yourself from the past. All of those things were necessary [...]

By | March 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Destiny: Let The Fun Begin!

Destiny: Avenues For Healing

Welcome back! Once you make the decision to take a stand for what's right in your own life, there are many avenues for healing. If you need to go to a twelve-step group, go. Work the program, get a sponsor, participate in the fellowship, and work the steps in earnest. If you need to go [...]

By | March 27th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Destiny: Avenues For Healing